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Loveland Veterinary Clinic

Fall Safety Tips For Your Pet

Family walking their dog

Now that fall is here, you’re likely looking forward to cooler weather and spending more time at home after the hot days and busy schedule of the summer months. At Loveland Veterinary Clinic, we want your entire family to have a happy and healthy autumn, especially your pets. This season should be a fun and relaxing time for them as well, but there are some things to be aware of as the year grows older. If you ever have any concerns about your pet’s health, then please don’t hesitate to contact us right away!


You might love taking your dog for a long walk or hike on those cooler fall weekends, and while it can be a great way for your pet to get exercise, it can also expose them to certain risks, such as wild mushrooms. Fall is when mushrooms begin to flourish, and you may even find some growing in your backyard or along the route you take during your walks around the neighborhood. While a majority of mushrooms won’t cause any problems in your dog, the toxic ones can create severe issues, including liver and kidney failure. Be sure to be mindful of what your pooch is sniffing out during the fall!


Taking your dog into the mountains can be fun, but it’s always important to be aware of wildlife and the risks they can pose. Fall is rut season for elk, and it’s always good to remember how aggressive these animals can be during this time of year. If you encounter wildlife on the trail, move away as quickly and as safely as possible, and always make sure your dog is on a leash so that it doesn’t attempt to approach or pursue any wildlife.

As for pets that stay at home, such as your cat, it’s also important to remember that snakes, rodents, and other wildlife will be looking for warmer spots for the winter months. The last thing you want is for your cat to be bitten by a snake that’s found its way inside your home, or for it to catch and eat a mouse that’s consumed something toxic. Speaking of toxicity, if you will be using pesticides or poisons around your home to keep wildlife out, then make sure your pets stay far away from the treated areas.


Fall is also a time when you may love baking cookies, cakes, and other tasty treats. Your family may love the smell of something baking in the oven, but so may your pets. Your dog might be right on your heels as you put the finishing touches on a pie or a cake, and should anything drop to the floor, they’ll be right there to snatch it up. Certain foods can pose risks to your pets, so be aware of what they’re consuming. You can also kindly remind your family and any guests that your pets are not to be given human food at any time. When it comes to Halloween, remember that there is no candy that is okay to give to your pet!


If your pet is going to be outside at any time this fall, then make sure they have some protection from the cold. Your dog may need a coat to wear when you go on long walks, or perhaps a heated dog house if they’re going to be spending the night outside. For your cat, make sure they can get back into the house or the garage, or at least somewhere that has heat. As far as food and water, make sure that any outdoor water bowl is free of ice once the first freeze comes, and that your pet is eating enough to maintain a healthy weight. This can help them stay warm whenever they venture outside during those cold fall days.


Should you have any concerns about your pet this fall, please don’t hesitate to schedule a vet visit. Our team can answer all of your questions and provide any treatment that your pet may need. Above all, we want your animal to be safe from risks and hazards that they can encounter during the autumn months.

We Look Forward To Helping You!